C Interview Questions on Expressions

We discuss various C Language interview questions on Expressions and different types of Expressions. We discuss about associativity and precendence of operators.

Interview Questions

  1. How are arithmetic expressions evaluated?
  2. How are logical expression evaluated?
  3. Can a integer value be assigned to a char variable? What would be the result?
  4. Can a floating point value be assigned to a integer variable?
  5. Can a char variable be used in arithmetic expressions?
  6. What is the difference between preincrement and postincrement operators?
  7. What is Precedence?
  8. What is Associativity?

How are arithmetic expressions evaluated?

Result of an operation involving two integers is an integer. If atleast of the operands is a floating point number, result is a floating point number.

How are logical expression evaluated?

Expressions with && or || are evaluated left to right, and evaluation stops as soon as the truth or falsehood of the result is known. The precedence of && is higher than that of ||.

Can a integer value be assigned to a char variable? What would be the result?

Yes. If the value is too big to fit in a char, it will be truncated.

Can a floating point value be assigned to a integer variable?

Yes. The value will be truncated.

Can a char variable be used in arithmetic expressions?

A char is just a small integer, so chars may be freely used in arithmetic expressions.

What is the difference between preincrement and postincrement operators?

++n : Returns value of n and increments n

n++ : Increments n and returns the value ( So, returns the incremented value)

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
	int i=10,j=10;
	printf("i:%d\n",i++);//i:10 - actual value of i is returned
	printf("j:%d\n",++j);//j:11 - incremented value of j is returned


What is Precedence?

Precedence decides which operation is executed first. * & / have priority than + and -. Consider example below:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
	//* has higher precedence than +
	//Evaluated as 5 + (10 * 2) = 25.
	printf("i:%d\n", 5 + 10 * 2);//i:25

What is Associativity?

Associativity decide the order of execution when operators in an operation have higher priority.

Consider i = j = 5; Associativity of = operator is Right to Left. So, j=5 is executed first. And then i is assigned the result of earlier operation.

In the example below, associativity of * and / operators is Left to Right. So, evaluation is done similar to (5*2)/10. (If the execution was done like 5 * (2/10), result would be zero. Why??)

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
	printf("i:%d\n", 5 * 2 / 10);//1


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